Thursday, June 14, 2018

Arugula, spec & melon salad

That is going to be my lunch for today and I took photos at home on a plate, cause when it's time to eat at work that won't look that fancy 😛.
I got inspired from my friend Nikoleta, who was travelling yesterday from Prague back to Albania and at the airport she was having this delicious salad. It came into my mind immediately my British time where melon and any kind of salumi were the top taste. I am aware we all do not have melon, speck, arugula and some good cheese at home all at once, but for a fancy taste and a fresh lunch we can buy them, since melon season just started. So here it is the 3 minutes ready to go salad:

A handful of arugula
1 slice of melon
3-4 slices of speck
some grated gran spicco cheese
Olive oil to serve

Put all the ingredients on a saladbol, drizzle some olive oil and #voila. If it looks good, eat it. Enjoy ❤😍🍉🥓

P.S. This is the first time for me posting in English. I had promised to myself that I will only post in Albanian and I broke my promise. Sorry folks, the story of this delicious salad just came to me in English, as it reminds me of my time there. For any of you who want the recipe in Albanian just let me know. Thank you for reading me, I love you all ❤.

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